Dr. Hope Presents
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
(Just click
on the title)
Hush-a-bye, baby (Rock-a-bye, baby)
I had a little nut-tree, nothing would
it bear
I had a little pony
I have a little sister, they call her
Peep, Peep
I saw a ship a-sailing
If all the seas were one sea
In marble walls as white as milk
Intery, mintery, cutery-corn
Jack and Jill went up the hill
Jack be nimble,/And Jack be quick
Little Betty Blue/Lost her holiday shoe
Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn
Little Jack Horner/Sat in a corner
Little King Boggen, he built a fine
Little Miss Muffet
Little Nancy Etticoat
Little Robin Redbreast
Mistress Mary, quite contrary
Monday's child is fair of face
...Click here for more Mother Goose
Nursery Rhymes
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