Dr. Hope’s award-winning empowering storybooks give you self-esteem, teach you the power of believing in yourself, the joy in helping others, the love of laughter, to always try your best, and the benefits of living in the present moment. 

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Dr. Hope Presents

The Grimm Brothers'

 Fairy Tales


The Old Beggar-Woman



There was once an old woman, but you have surely seen an old woman go a-begging before now. This woman begged likewise, and when she got anything she said, may God reward you. The beggar-woman came to a door, and there by the fire a friendly rogue of a boy was standing warming himself. The boy said kindly to the poor old woman as she was standing shivering thus by the door, come, old mother, and warm yourself. She came in, but stood too near the fire, so that her old rags began to burn, and she was not aware of it.

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